Shipments are generally sent within one or two days. Depending on the actual situation in our warehouse this may extend to one week. If different shipment times apply for any reason, the actual times will be displayed on the checkout page of our website.
If no shipping is available to your country, or you wish to use a different shipping method please send us an e-mail with the name and quantity of the products and the delivery address (country). If your desired shipping option is possible, we will calculate it and add to the checkout page so that you can proceed the order. We will notify you in email when the new shopping method is available on our checkout page.
If you place an order from outside the European Union, be aware that depending on your location import taxes and import regulations may apply, which might affect the delivery. We send all our products under the term Delivery Duty Unpaid.
The buyer is responsible for the payment of import duties and if it applies additional taxes and handling costs at his country.
In case of filling in incorrect address by ordering, the buyer is responsible for all consequents if the shipment fails.
We reserve the right to refuse any individual or company order (e.g in case of out of stock, or problems with previous orders).
Product prices on our site are stated in EUR and include VAT (21%) in the Netherlands, that apply for all customers inside the European Union. Customers from countries outside the European Union may have to pay customs clearance and national VAT at the country of delivery. If you are a company with valid EU VAT number or you are a customer from outside EU please contact us via email before placing an order.
We reserve the right to change the prices of our products at any time. Changes will not affect orders which have been made before price changes and were confirmed via email.
Payment for products can be made online according to the available payment options on our website. The Order Receipt sent to you after placing an order contains the bank details and the amount to be paid for your order. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Please note that your order will be shipped only after the funds have cleared in our account.